Friday, October 15, 2010

Our meaning

I took “our meaning” to be interpreted as what we mean to convey to others through our everyday actions and words we use when talking and interacting with others in our society. Every person I believe wants to do well in his life, and to show others that he or she is a good person. So, it is only natural that I would wish to convey a sense of good, of doing what is right to people. But, thinking about how others perceive you is a dangerous and often a slippery slope to be led down. Thinking a little on how you are viewed in society is good; it is called decency and manners, and everyone should want to have some sort of decency. Thinking too much about how you are viewed by others is unhealthy, and it leads often time to the changing of yourself to fit the views of what you think others to want to see in you. You have to find the right balance so as to not to appear an unmannered prick who does whatever he wants, uncaring about others views or feelings, but not a two faced person, who changes depending on who he or she is talking to at the time or what they want others to see in them. If you can find the right balance, than you are conveying what you truly mean, what you truly want to show to others about how you feel and act.


  1. Very interesting interpretation of "our meaning". you truly show a unique understanding of the world around you and an understanding of societal values

  2. You have a good point. To find our purpose, we have to be open-minded and block out other people's opinions.

  3. do you think this is always the case? some people have a disability to truely articulate what they mean because of a brain defect. is there a way that they can express their meaning?
