Friday, May 20, 2011

art review

The art I would like to review is the Kirby on the second floor of the arts building in the corner near the stairs. Whoever made it, I give the props to. So life like. I was walking along, minding my own business, and then I saw it and nearly yelled. What the hell is Kirby doing here I woulda yelled. But then on closer inspection I found it to be an art piece. It was very well done, most likely made with paper Mache and wire to build the frame. It was well done, and different. You don’t really expect to see a Kirby, alone, in a corner of a building. No art around it, or a story to tell, or any special meaning that I can ascertain from its size, shape, color, position, or environment it is in. It’s really just a Kirby in a corner. It’s not supposed to make you ponder social change or inequality in the world. It’s purely art for the sake of being art and fun to look at it. All the art to make you open your eyes, that’s not art in my opinion, that’s someone’s opinion cleverly disguised to worm into you and influences you. A Kirby, that’s just someone making it to make another person laugh or enjoy. That’s the kind of art you need more of.

we have the right

We have the right to do a lot of things. We also have a responsibility to do a lot of things. Right and responsibility seem to go hand in hand most times. Some rights are overlooked, or curtailed, limited. Like the right to bear arms. Except we can’t really. Legally. Most laws in this case vary from state to state, but correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe you can carry one in Illinois. Or perhaps even have one in your home. Since there isn’t really hunting in the city of Chicago, I’m not sure how you would justify having a rifle in your house. I know you can have a shotgun in your house for home defense in some places. But the laws to which when you can use it and the legal ramifications if you fire it are so convoluted nowadays, I would never even bother to own one with the laws how they are today. I heard a story about an old woman who shot an intruder in her own home, at night. He broke in. The twist is after she shot him, HE sued HER. And won. What a world we live in. It’s a scary thought that could happen. The fact that someone could break in your house and sue you if you retaliate is upsetting. I saw one law was entitled “make my day” and detailed if someone is in your house, you have the right to use force to remove the threat. No one would burglarize homes then.

McCarthys birthday week

I am doing this blog entry a bit later than the actual birthday week, I know. But who can forget the good times we had. There were many jokes made at Mr. McCarthy’s expense, as per usual, and from the usual people. The most common being about his bathroom, heated floors, jets from the shower walls, his sauce making, his straps. Mr. McCarthy has become quite the figure recently. Most of jokes originate from one of two people usually, and some might say “hey, why we don’t change it up a bit.” Screw whoever said that. I don’t know who they are, but how dare they. No right. The jokes have been pretty funny, and the retaliation from McCarthy, mostly against..kennay? Not sure how to spell it. But those have been the most funny. The quotes on the board. Nonsensical ramblings ending with Mr. McCarthy just laughing at him. Too funny.

x is known

First thing that comes to mind, very first impression, math. I love math. Malcolm X is the next thing to come to mind. X is known…well obviously he is. Most people have a very different view on him. Some people view him as a violent rebel anarchist, using violence as a means to an end while other better received figures, Martin Luther King, used nonviolence to try to obtain the same thing. While other people view him as the best kind of leader, one who inspired change by any means necessary and wasn’t content to just politely ask for something they needed, but to go out and take it. And still yet, to others, “X” is not known. They don’t really know anything about him. My opinion and me “knowing X” changed after this class. I had never really studied him before, and I just heard about him in passing, and the things said were not nice. My opinion about him before and after the book and movie are two completely different things. I personally understand wanting change or something in general and willing to do anything to get it. Of course, my personal wants and needs are far outweighed by Malcolm X’s dedication to his goal. Even when his idol, the basis upon which he as a person was based, was shattered, he carried on. He still lived by his philosophy.

x marks the spot

X marks the spot. The first thing I think of is pirates. I would be suspicious of someone’s social development if the first thing they thought of was unrelated to buried treasure and pirates. They must have had a deprived childhood. I realize that that is most likely not what this blog title was meant to inspire, as we have not covered pirates in philosophy as of yet. This is probably referring to the man and legend Malcolm X, though as to the “marks the spot” I cannot really figure out how that relates to Malcolm X and NOT be a reference to pirates. Perhaps this is trying to get me to question if Malcolm X was in fact a pirate. I don’t see how he would have the time; perhaps he was a pirate of the mind. Not sure what that means. Some philosophical stuff in this blog entry. Perhaps this is also referring to how people always looked to Malcolm x for something they wanted. Like, if they were searching for meaning or a purpose they would look for him, much like a pirate would search for treasure. Malcolm X was the “X” marking the spot for some people trying to find some sense of purpose or meaning in their life. These blogs probably make me look too far into things. It probably was about pirates the WHOLE time and you were just trying to mess with me.