Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A direction the class needs

A classroom is a place for learning, but it doesn’t have to be a boring place for learning. The subject of philosophy is already an interesting one, and we have been watching movies and reading books like “the road” that are really well written and cause you to stop and think, so far, this class is very good. But other classes, like psychology where we haven’t learned any psychology at all because the teacher claims she got bored of teaching it and now wants to teach whatever she feels like, is not so much. Were learning statistics now in that class. I feel as though THAT class needs a new direction, or at least a direction at all. Perhaps one Mr. Mccarthy could give a little talking to on the finer points of actually teaching the class that someone signs up for. School isn’t like roulette, round and round it goes, what class you will be taught, nobody knows. As long as the next semester has interesting readings and perhaps a movie or two to spread the fun throughout the long readings, the class will remain quite enjoyable to be a part of. The road was such a good book, and candied was surprisingly good considering I thought it was going to be terrible, books like those are great.

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