Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thankful for a classmate

I am thankful for all of my classmates, as they make school not so unbearable as to discourage me from showing up. Some more than others obviously, and some much less than others. Imagine what school would be like WITHOUT class mates? Well, for one, you would be completely alone. One on one time with a teacher is already frightening, but that would be your life EVERYDAY for every class. No one to talk to about problems or something funny you saw on tv last night. No one to talk to at lunch or making silly jokes other people would just look at you weird and uncomprehendingly for making. No one to make plans with to go to the movies later or go paintballing this weekend. Thank the lord for classmates, what would I do without them? be extremely bored, that’s what. I cant really just pick out ONE person to be thankful for, that’s just plain cruel to ask. Theres so many people, in fact, almost all of them to be thankful for. Some people, a very small number, not thankful for. But that’s such a small number, its insignificant, a statistical anomaly barely worth mentioning but will be anyway. The one classmate I definitely am thankful for is my good friend nick. Other than that, there would be so many to name, I would surely forget some and feelings would be hurt.

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