Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Im a shoe

It would suck to be a shoe. Feet are naturally not very nice appendages of the body, but after walking around all day, they are less than nice. Their practically inhuman. And the SOLE (get it? Sole?) purpose of a shoe is to be stepped in. and perhaps you all are different, but I cast my shoes aside when I am done uncaringly and unlovingly. The shoes must feel so used and abused, so neglected, if they had the minds and the ability to form thought and move, im sure they would organize a revolt for the poor living and working conditions they endure day in and day out. Some get worn down so much they fall apart. Where do they go? Some sort of shoe retirement home? Nope. The garbage. Then they are replaced and forgotten, in shambles, alone in the trash bag until they disintegrate a millennia from now, back into the earth from whence they came. If I were a shoe, id be really angry, all the time. It would be difficult to hold a conversation with me because I would be so mad, and I would be a shoe. Next time your out walking, show a little love to your shoes. Give them a holler and a say hello. How is your day shoe? Tell it a joke perhaps.

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