Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sports in my life

Seeing as I don’t play any sports myself, besides the occasional casual football game with friends, sports aren’t a very big part of my life. I watch my favorite teams play football, their names being the chargers and bears, but after that brutal loss to the packers, the bears position on this list is looking quite precarious indeed. Some people, such as the people who posted videos of them burning cutler jerseys after the bears game, are deeply involved with sports, much more so than i. I cannot picture myself burning a sports jersey because I am upset a player I have never met in my life. I personally cannot perform anywhere NEAR a professionals level at football, so who am I to criticize someones playing during a game, however terrible it is. A hater, that’s who I would be. No one likes a hater. This holds true for other sports as well, but I cite football because it’s the one sport I know best. I don’t even remotely get into baseball or soccer games as much as I do good ole football. Football isn’t always on my mind, all I ever think about, and its not even a good protion of my life, I enjoy it, just like I enjoy movies and playing poker, and I guess it plays an equal, if not lesser role in my life than those activities do.

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