Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Open letter to cormac mccarthy

If I could write a letter to cormac mccarthy, it would contain me gushing about ho much I loved the road. I read the book and had seen the movie prior to this class, and so when I found out we would be reading it, I was extremely pleased. The movie adds pictures to the some of the parts of the novel that you would have trouble picturing in your head, like the overall look of a complete wasteland, how skinny they actually were, etc. but the movie is not the main point. The book is where the personal conflict exists, where the details and little things that a movie cant service are. Cormac does a very good job writing, even by my spoiled standards I obtained from reading Stephen king novels, who is one of my favorite authors. Cormac does a great job at describing the horrific scenes in the novel so you could picture the whole book in your head as you read. When the father dies, you almost feel heartbroken yourself, which shows how deeply he has drawn you into the story of the boy and his father surviving the never named but always looming post apocalyptic wasteland. Such an amazing and descriptive novel, and it’s a shame I have enver read any of his other works. I hear that blood meridian is an excellent novel, though im not entirely sure what its about.

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